My family pictures

My mother is Flor Maria, She is Forty-nine years, She is House wife, her favorite music is Salsa, My mother is Beautiful.
My father is Tulio Sanchez, He is Fifty-nine years, He is farmer, his favorite music is Tangos. My father likes to drink Aguardiente.

This is my family. My father is Tulio, my mother is Flor and my niece is Maria Alejandra. I'm taking a photo. 
We are in my father's farm. My niece and I are staying at my parents' house.

I have one brother.  He is Pablo, He is thirty years, my brother is a driver and is Alejandra's father.

Alejandra is seven years and I love her. 

1 comentario:

  1. This is my family. My father is Tulio, my mother is Flor and my NIECE is Maria Alejandra. I'm taking a photo.
    We are in my father'S FARM?. My niece and I are STAYING AT my parents' HOUSE.

    I have one brother. He is Pablo, He is thirty years, my brother is a driver and is Alejandra'S FATHER.

    Alejandra is seven years and I love her.
